Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or formatting

or drop file here

How to convert PDF to HTML

  1. Click the Select a file button
    Drag and upload your PDF file to this page.
  2. Waiting
    Please wait while the PDF conversion is in progress.
  3. Click the download button
    Click the Download button to save the converted zip file.

More about PDF to HTML Converter

High quality conversion

Perfect quality

Convert PDF to HTML files simply and easily with our free online tool. Our online tool analyzes PDF documents to preserve the original formatting as much as possible when converting PDF documents to HTML, then creates HTML, CSS and image files. The converted HTML file guarantees high quality enough to be applied directly to the website.

Simple and easy to use

Simple and easy to use

Our HTML converter provides an intuitive and simple interface that users can use right away without having to learn how to use it. First upload your PDF file and convert it to HTML in just a few clicks. Now convert PDF documents to HTML files online and download for free.


HTML5 supported

Our converter doesn't just convert the original PDF you upload into a high-resolution JPEG or PNG image for display on your website. It converts text and fonts inside PDF files to actual HTML5 format. The texts inside a PDF document are converted to actual HTML5 elements with corresponding headers. As a result, the output remains sharp even when zoomed in and reads well on screen readers for visually impaired users.

Safe online conversion

Safe Online PDF Software

Our service prioritizes the privacy of our users. Therefore, it is designed not to monitor users' files or leave backups, shares and user logs. All file uploads from users are encrypted and sent to our servers via HTTPS. Moreover, it uses 256-bit encryption technology to protect all your information and data, so you don't have to worry about security while using online tools.

Automatic Deletion

Automatic deletion

After you have finished working with your digital documents using our online PDF tools, you can download the files from our servers and manually delete them yourself. Don't worry if you forget to delete a file. To protect user data, all files on the server are designed to be permanently deleted after 30 minutes. No one can access your files and your privacy is 100% secure.

Processing in the cloud

Process in the cloud

All PDF processing is done completely in the cloud, so it does not consume any resources on your computer. You can use all PDF tools for free through your web browser anywhere you have an internet connection. You no longer need to install or update software to work with digital documents.

Did you know?

What is the difference between PDF and HTML?

PDF and HTML files are the two main popular formats for digital documents. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to choose the right format for your needs. PDFs are generally better for documents that need to be printed or shared offline. This is because formatting and layout are maintained wherever you view them. On the other hand, HTML documents are designed to be viewed online and can be easily edited and updated. They also usually take up less space than PDFs. So which format should you use? If you need documents that look professional and can be easily printed or shared offline, PDF might be your best bet. However, if you need a document that can be easily edited or only viewed online, HTML might be a better choice.

Why convert PDF to HTML?


In some cases, web content needs to be shared on social media, but as a non-interactive PDF, web content has its limitations. HTML files, on the other hand, can be opened and interacted with in a web browser, of course, making them perfect for creating web content for online posting for sharing purposes. People also want their websites and mobile phones to have screen resolution and size, which is one of the main reasons for converting PDFs to HTML, another user-friendly format, because HTML formats can adjust viewing settings to fit the viewer's display on any device.

Create a website quickly and simply

People usually hire professional web developers and web designers to create their websites. However, there are times when you need to quickly create a website for marketing purposes and see how the market reacts. It's a bummer if market trends change while you're building your website. In this case, it's a good idea to quickly create a website by converting product guides you've already created in PDF to HTML. Or, if you want to promote an existing product via email or present your content in a variety of formats.

Accessibility improvements

PDFs can be difficult to access, especially for people with disabilities using assistive technology such as screen readers. These technologies can have problems reading and formatting text within a PDF, making the content inaccessible to users. HTML, on the other hand, was designed with accessibility in mind. Converting PDF to HTML makes your content accessible to more people, including people with disabilities. This will help you meet accessibility standards and improve the user experience for all users who visit your website.

Improved user experience

PDFs can be slow to load and difficult to navigate, especially on mobile devices. This can negatively affect the user experience and make it difficult for users to find the information they need. HTML provides a more user-friendly experience with fast loading times, easy navigation, and a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes. Converting PDF to HTML gives your visitors a better user experience, so they're more likely to continue using your content.


Why should you choose our online HTML converter?

  1. There are many online web services that convert PDF documents to HTML files. However, most of them are available for a fee or through complicated procedures such as membership registration. In addition, there are restrictions such as watermarking the converted HTML or limiting the number of times. In the worst case, you may simply convert the PDF to an image such as JPG or PNG and link it to the HTML.

  2. Our conversion service converts text and fonts inside PDF files to the actual HTML5 format. It analyzes both formatting and images of the original document and creates separate CSS and image files. Apply high-quality converted HTML files directly to your website.


FAQs about the HTML conversion tool

How much does it cost to convert PDF to HTML online?

It's free. You don't need to sign up for our service to convert HTML, anyone can use it for free and unlimited times.

How long does it take to convert PDF to HTML?

Depends on the PDF document. Most few-page PDFs will be converted within 30 seconds.

Are my uploaded PDF documents safe?

Yes. All file transfers are encrypted with SSL and the originals are immediately deleted from our servers after conversion. Also, converted HTML files are automatically deleted from our servers within 30 minutes.

Can I convert the scanned PDF?

No. For scanned PDFs, you need to use OCR technology to analyze the document. This is not yet included in the current service since it is not considered perfect.

Can I convert my PDF to HTML and use it on my website?

Yes. The copyright of the converted HTML file remains with you. Therefore, you can use it freely.

Why are HTML files incorrectly indented?

HTML files can have margins as large or small as needed to display information. However, because PDF files have a maximum margin limit, fully aligned paragraphs can make a difference.